As of right now, my ultimate goal in life is to become a teacher. I know what you’re thinking, “why would you want to spend the rest of your life in high school?”, “You know you don’t get paid that much to teach right?”, or “Teacher? Don’t you mean glorified babysitter?” Well guess what; I DON’T CARE! All I have ever wanted to do for my entire life is to help people in any way that I possibly could and maybe, just maybe, inspire them like how I was inspired when I was in elementary-high school.
Think about it, when they are not with their parents, students are spending seven hours a day for five days a week with you. Not only are you their teacher, but you are also their counselor; a role model; or even maybe, their friend. What could possibly be more rewarding than knowing that you make such a significant impact on a growing individual?
As excited as I am to be embarking on this journey of becoming an educator, I do have some worries about my future profession. A big concern of mine, especially lately, is the safety of my future students and of myself. With all of the recent shootings and debates over gun laws, it makes me wonder when will all of the fear end? School should be an escape; a safe haven if you will, for the students and faculty. It is not fair for them, for my future coworkers, and to myself to be fearful of a place we are obligated to go to every day.
I do not want to be afraid of walking in one day and having a child, a faculty member, or a random visitor coming into the building and threatening or attempting to harm me and/or everyone else around me. Just recently, my old high school has experienced a terrorist threat by one of the students that have returned to school after being in juvenile detention. Not only does this subject matter hit very close to home for me, but it makes me concerned that if an incident like this can happen in a well-respected school district; what other lengths of violence could be attempted?
Despite the devastations and tragedies that have occurred in schools recently, this fear is not causing any doubts within me. In fact, as crazy it may sound, I feel that teaching is truly a calling for me. If you were to ask me to pick between becoming an educator or anything else, I would pick becoming an educator every single time. As a future educator, I will do whatever in my power to not only protect myself but also my future students and faculty members. I just hope and pray that one day the fear of violence in schools cease to exist.