Dear Future Daughter,
You’re 1 year old, and you’re my world. You sure have been a learning experience, little girl. I had never kept a plant alive for an extended period of time, so it’s near close to a miracle that you’re still hanging around. That being said, I think about my life prior to you, and I don’t know if I can remember what it was like. What did I do in my spare time, before I was consumed with watching you sleep or obsessing over making sure your first word was “Mommy"?
I hope, for your sake, you like matching mommy and me dresses, because I guarantee I purchased a bunch of them. Just try not to rip out your hair bow, because one day you’ll look back on our pictures with the understanding that accessories complete the outfit.
Know that I will do anything for you, and that I will be there whenever you need me, even when you roll your eyes and insist you don’t. Don’t count me out, little girl, I promise I’m going to do everything I can for you.
You’re 5 years old, and you’re starting school. You might be nervous about leaving home for the first time, or maybe you’re bursting at the thought of starting your education. If it is the latter try not to run away from me too quickly when that big yellow bus pulls up. It’s going to be hard enough for me to watch you go, let alone having to watch you enjoy it. You’re going to be just fine at school little girl. Play on the playground, learn your ABCs and continue on with the childish wonder you bring to every situation. I can’t wait to see you when you get off that bus.
You’re 12 years old, and you’re starting middle school. I know you must have heard that middle school is a rough, awkward time, but you never realize that until you’re removed from it. You may feel awkward, you may not, just remember to try not to shut me out. I hope you know that I’m always on your side; I was 12 once too. It’s easy to get caught up in what the cool girls are wearing or which boy is going to ask you to the school dance, but this is the time for you to begin to figure out what truly makes you happy. Assure yourself that you are beautiful on the inside and out, even on the days you feel down. You’re smart, little girl. Continue to study hard, but don’t forget to have fun. And for goodness sakes, don’t put up posters of tween celebrities on your wall, trust me, you won’t think those prepubescent boys are that cute in a couple years.
You’re 15 years old, and you’re starting high school. Didn’t I tell you those posters were terrible? Nevertheless, I still had braces on at 15, so if you don’t, you’re already better off than I was. Don’t be too scared about trying to find your way around. There will be people who will help you, and I swear by next week you will feel like you’ve known your way around the school your entire life. Stay active, little girl. Make friends at after school activities, and try things you normally wouldn’t. This is the time to really figure out your likes and dislikes, so don’t leave any door unopened. Discover the hobbies and activities you love, because the sooner you discover them, the longer you have to enjoy them.
You’re 18 years old, and you’re starting college. You’re about to make a lot of mistakes. It’s inevitable. But you are about to grow and learn in these four short years than you ever have, and possibly ever will. You’re about to uncover relationships with people that are truly meant to last a lifetime. I know you’re thinking, How could I ever have friends as close as the ones I have in high school? Let me tell you, they’re out there, and you will find them. You’re about to discover what it means to be friends with someone not because you’ve been in the same homeroom since first grade, but because you bond with them on a deeper, emotional level.
Don’t be afraid, but you might gain a bit of weight, and if you don’t then you need to trademark your diet plan and sell it to college girls around the world. But seriously, bodies are still changing, don’t freak out, it’s totally normal. My freshman year, I started to go to the gym faithfully. In high school I was always active with sports, but that died down when I went away to school. Nothing boosted my mood more than hitting the gym after class. Trust me, it saved me when I was your age. Working out is the easiest, but most underused, solution to many of the problems you might face — broken hearts being one of them. It is 10 times more gratifying to sweat out each pent up emotion rather than cry them out.
That being said, it doesn’t mean you still won’t grieve over a broken heart. You will. If you’re like me you will grieve, a lot. You’ll realize sooner rather than later that he wasn’t worth it. Most of them aren’t. But he will seem like he is at the time.
Don’t get caught up, maintain the balance between your studies and your social life, and don’t let these four years go to waste.
You’re 22 years old, and you’re graduating. Didn’t I tell you four years would fly by? I didn’t believe my parents either when they assured me of that during freshman move-in. As they drove away that day, I wish I had known that I was about to begin one of the most thrilling times of my life, or I would not have cried so much. Looking back on my senior year I could never have guessed the friends I would make, the relationships I would form or even all of the things I would learn. College is funny like that I guess. You are bonded together so tightly with certain people for four short years, and then you’re thrust into the real world faster than you imagined. My four years went by in the blink of an eye, but I can never say I let them go to waste. Capture every memory of your senior year, little girl, because you will look back at them more fondly than you realize. In a few months, this life you’ve become accustomed to will come to a close, and a completely new chapter of your storybook will open. You may get antsy, but don’t turn that page too quickly. Take the time to laugh with your friends, order take out and watch movies and even go to a couple Thirsty Thursdays ... just make sure you’re going to class! I know you’re an adult now, but I’m still your mom, and I am and always will be there for you. Trust me when I say, you’re never too old for a hug from your mom.
You’re 22 years old, and you’ll always be my world.