Dear Me,
As I write this in your freshman year dorm, I have a lot of thoughts. Firstly, congratulations! I know you dragged to get here and you're feeling exhausted but excited. I wanted to write some things right now that you could look back on for this day.
Firstly, I hope you've accomplished all your goals. I hope that your GPA is where you wanted it, your test scores look great, and you're ready to move onto the next step. I hope you joined all the clubs that you wanted and your resumé is beautiful. I hope you're surrounded by some familiar and new faces. I hope you've made the best memories and you've made friends that will last a lifetime. I hope you're happy with what you've done, and I know you anticipate accomplishing more — so do it!
Your GPA could be lower than you expected, or maybe you didn't accomplish every goal. That's OK — remember that nobody's success is linear. Success is a bumpy roller-coaster that you can't control. So wherever you are at today, be proud that you made it to this day. College is hard work, and you deserve a pat on the back just for surviving and finishing.
You have plans to go further. To make a lot of money and be the greatest at what you are. Having dreams and goals is great, but remember to give yourself grace. You're finally free from any kind of link holding you from adulthood. After you leave this campus, it's time to grow up and move out. It's time to become your own version of adult. You can do it, too. You have the potential.
Freshman Year You