Hi Big!
In a very short time, I'll know who you are and I won't have to refer to you as something hypothetical anymore. You'll reveal yourself to me after a week full of being simultaneously fooled and spoiled and I literally cannot wait! Right now, it's really scary because everyone has an idea of who they want as a big, and all of you have your idea of who you want as a little. I know it will work out for the best, because it always does, but I can't wait for the anticipation to be over already!
I know that just a short year ago (or a few short years ago) you were in this same boat, and you went through all the same feelings I am. I wish I could ask you what you did to make yourself worry less, because I'm not patient and I don't exactly love surprises either. I'm sure that you've creeped on my social media and scoured my pinterest boards already, but please don't judge middle school me when you're looking for inspiration!
I mean, a few short weeks ago, you might not have even known who I am, and now I'm your potential new little! I hope that you're ready for a completely wild ride filled with lots of spontaneous singing and dancing, ugly snapchat selfies, and taking the perfect Big-Little pic for insta! I can't wait to find out who you are, and if you're who I think you are!
I know I'm going to love you, because let's be honest, I love all my new sisters! So I know that having me as your little might drive you crazy on some days, but just know that your little is a great listener, will always be down for chick flicks and can bake a mean from-scratch chocolate chip cookie.
Your Future Little