"The nature of jobs is changing," Mark Cuban
With the job market constantly changing, there are new demands for new skills. These skills change along with supply and demand. Just like the new fashion trends, seasons come and go. Nonetheless, there will always be a need for creative and critical thinkers. There will forever be demand for people who do not just stick to what they have learned, but apply their knowledge to create something new. So where can these the majority of these individuals be found? Surprisingly, experts such as renowned business man, Mark Cuban, claim that they are none others than Liberal Arts majors.
Usually we are taught that the major many should go for if they have no interest is business or finance. Our parents say it’s always a good back-bone for getting out into the world. Others will say you will never get far with a major that has nothing to do with finances. But, with the future going the way it is we need more than just numbers on a page. These numbers you can get through any machine. Equations, solutions, are all spit out to you by whatever you ask. But the answers are always the same. You are thinking in the box when we need to be thinking outside of the box.
What if you could look at the math and see it in a different light? Math is in everyday life, creating patterns in the veins of a dragonfly or the spiral on a shell. But we don’t see that by simply entering in the equation for the one answer. With finances you search to find one answer to a singular problem when it could help by finding multiple answers for the one problem. Maybe finding a different way to use the information you receive. Maybe the answer isn’t a number or what if the way to finding the answer isn’t math? The technology we have is growing at an exponential rate, and in the job market this is going to require looking beyond the data. It’s going to require looking at information from different viewpoints and critical thinking. These aspects are being taught to liberal arts majors which is why they will be so valuable in the near future.
Mark Cuban has said, “I personally think there's going to be a greater demand in 10 years for liberal arts majors than there were for programming majors and maybe even engineering, because when the data is all being spit out for you, options are being spit out for you, you need a different perspective in order to have a different view of the data. And so having someone who is more of a freer thinker.” Everything doesn’t need to be mathematical, and that’s the point.The ideas may seem odd and out of place. But that’s where you find the answers, in the all of the ideas floating in your head. Machines can’t do what our minds can, and the arts teaches you to embrace the difference. The future is no longer dependent on the mathematician, but rather the artist.