Dear 30 Year Old Me,
I wonder what it is like then. I feel like it's going to be a big milestone of your life, turning the big 3 0. I hope you don't feel so scared of this transition of "getting old" and going through life. Everything will be just fine even if it doesn't seem like it at times. But relax and breathe.
I don't know who you are yet. I don't know where you are living. I don't know where you are working. I don't know what your favorite food is. I don't know what your favorite color is. But one thing is 100% sure is that I will be you.
I will be proud of you. Don’t think otherwise. If there are areas you want to improve for you, then do it. I am in support of that, but don’t ever feel like you need to change anything for someone else. Change because you want to change. Always remember that.
I really hope you are having some kind of new awesome adventures right now. I hope you are doing something to make you feel alive. A little back packing trip through Europe, maybe? Are you still into Europe like I am now? Or do you have a new favorite continent now? God, I can’t wait to be you.
I am not sure where you are in life at the moment, but I sure hope that you are happy. I hope you are living your life the way you want it. I hope you are enjoying every little moment. I hope your view about life hasn’t changed. I hope that you still deeply believe that life is beautiful.
If you get distracted along the way by the stress and craziness of life. Don't worry just keep pushing your self to be the best you can be. I know you find your way back eventually. Just like you always do to that place. All I want for you is to be happy, regardless of the reasons or circumstances.
I hope at 30, you are still living life full of peace, love and happiness. I hope you are still surrounded by all the wonderful people you have met in college. I hope you are still surrounded by people who have came into your life and stayed with you through it all. I hope you are still surrounded by people who have helped you grow into who you are today. But if some left and some stayed, that’s okay too.
I am sure you are a dreamer just like I am now. I know that you have dreams that you want to achieve by your 30th birthday. I hope you have achieved them and celebrating.
But if for some reasons, you can’t achieve your dreams just yet, don’t you dare give up and be upset about it. It’s just a matter of time that you will achieve all your dreams. Just because you didn't achieve them now doesn't mean you will never achieve them. You will achieve them because since you were little you were always a dreamer. Since you were little you were always a achiever. You have always been filled with so much dedication. You will achieve those dreams since you were dreaming about since you were little.
And one last thing, no matter what you are doing now. No matter who you are now. Don't ever take anything in your life for granted. Don't ever take your family, friends or blessings for granted. Don't ever take good memories or bad ones for grated. Don't ever take challenges, obstacles and struggles in life for granted. Don’t wish the undesirable circumstances away. Because you know everything happens for a reason, even if you don't want them to happen they are going to happen. Go through them all (maybe even with a smile on your face) & grow into someone that I am proud of.
With Love,
From 2016 You