They say that diamonds are a girls' best friend, and while that may be easy to say because who doesn't like diamonds, I'd have to say mine is definitely underrated yet just so happens to be my pup!!
My six-pound, dark-brown-eyed furry babe is literally always there for me and by my side more than I even know. I couldn't imagine what I would do if I didn't have a pet, because it is just SO nice to have a constant snuggle buddy & supporter when she knows I'm sad.
I am so grateful to have my furry friend by my side and I couldn't be more appreciative of the existence of my little one.
A dog is truly such a great friend if you allow it to be and I'm so grateful to always have mine by my side.
This is a thank you letter to my dog for being so amazing and always there when I'm having a difficult time.
Thank you for being there when I'm crying over a boy... (Even if it's in the middle of the night when you clearly are ready to go snuggle up in your bed.)
Thank you for being there when I just need some extra love... (On my rough days, when I need the extra cuddles and support.)
Thank you for being there for me when I'm up late working on homework.. (Because I'm a top notch procrastinator and love not doing my assignments until the last possible minute).
But most importantly, thank you for just being a fifth member in my family!! You mean the world to us and your existence is so appreciated...
Everyone should be thankful and make sure they are appreciating and giving a little extra love to their own special furry pals!