Many people grow up with a family pet. Aside with it just being a pet, it also becomes the best friend of the household. An animal can form a bond with each person in the house. The bond with one person varies with a bond to the next person. From experiences, my dogs have always treated me differently compared to a male role model in the household. They tend to be more loving and affectionate compared to the men. Around the men, they typically seem more attentive and brave.
Besides from a lasting bond, there are many benefits of having a companion in the house. For those who have trouble holding a relationship with people, a pet can help fulfill that. Many pets relax people with anxiety. Hence one of the many reasons we have service pets. When we think of service pets we think of them helping the blind. Nonetheless, that has evolved so much over the years. Besides eye impairments, they are used for people with anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder, mental illnesses, and hearing impairments. These animals are here for emotional and physical support.
Standing as a service pet is not the only plus side. They can teach adolescents responsibility. Many children do not understand how to care for many things, so a good first step is teaching them how to care for their pet. Even if it is as simple as feeding the dog, it is still giving them background experience for pet-care and responsibility.
The standard family pet is usually a dog; however, dogs do not have to be the pet to keep you happy. I have a pet hedgehog and he makes me the happiest pet owner ever! Any type of pet can bring a family together, and even relieve stress for the individual. Pets have been known to boost morale and break social tension. With the relief of stress and isolation, it helps us humans to be more interactive.
Whether you do have a dog, or a hedgehog like I, they make great friends for everyone in the house. There is proof of love and affection. You can see it in their eyes and the way they act around you. While your pet may see a stranger, and get excited, they will never love that person as much as they love you. With their energetic personalities, they engage you in their lives and turn your mood around.
Many people have allergies and it reduces chances of owning a pet, but there are other options. There are many hypoallergenic options. There are quite a few different dog breeds that are hypoallergenic. Hedgehogs and reptiles are also hypoallergenic. There are many different pet options. So just because you have allergies, don't let it stop you from having a companion and a best friend.
While pets are not for everyone, they do give most us enjoyment. Loyalty and companionship matter a lot to most people. Without having a pet, I probably would not be as social and be able to show affection.