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13 Words Of Wisdom From The Youngest Generation

Working at a daycare means gaining immense knowledge.

13 Words Of Wisdom From The Youngest Generation
Megan Bishop

Throughout my life, I've been surrounded by younger kids than myself. It only seemed right, with having two younger sisters and many younger cousins, to work in a daycare as my first job in high school. Working in a daycare has its many ups and downs, but my favorite part about working with the kids is hearing what they have to say.

Kids are extremely straightforward, which can be both good and bad. They will never sugar coat anything, so the advice they give can be very useful in some instances. Without further ado, here are some of the best words of wisdom from the daycare kids and my own sisters.

1. "Here's a police car for you to play with!" "That's a Jeep."


Labels are EVERYTHING when you're little. There's a clear difference between a police car and a Jeep.

2. "I'm gonna eat like you when I'm big. Mommy won't let me eat chicken nuggets everyday."

Oh, sweetheart, you do NOT want to eat this way. Learn from my mistakes.

3. "Sissy, I wanna watch the b****!"


My sister meant "The Grinch," but could only say the opposite for some reason. It was pretty hilarious until someone corrected her.

4. "Who's your favorite princess?" "Me."

Sometimes we need the reminder that princesses don't always wear dresses and tiaras - we can find them within ourselves.

5. "This is a song about when Paw Patrol met a frog and they all became best friends."


After this, the little girl banged out an aggressive tune on the piano. It was the bop of the century.

6. " have a mommy and a daddy too?!"

I know, it's surprising that the "teachers" have parents who tell them what to do too.

7. "I always wanted Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia to be together."


After being told they were, in fact, siblings and couldn't be together, the response was: "..So?"

8. "Good job, you're not coloring over the lines!"

It's the little accomplishments that mean the most.

9. "Time to watch Lady and the Pimp!"

lady and the tramp

"Lady and the Tramp" was a favorite in our house, especially because of the way my sister pronounced the title.

10. "You're too old to not have a boyfriend."

Nothing like getting roasted by a 4-year old.

11. "Whoa, why are you here?"

apart of society

This is what I heard constantly if the kids from work saw me outside of our daycare. Apparently, working at a daycare also means living there too.

12. "Wow, you look so pretty today!" "I know, I'm very beautiful."

Positive self image and confidence that we can all take notes from.

13. "Someone wasn't making the right choices..."

box of shame

You'll always hear this phrase when another kid gets put in time-out. At least they recognize that the choices are bad!

Moral of the story, little kids give the best life advice out there.

Thank you to my co-workers for contributing to this list!

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