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26 Trendy Halloween Couples Costumes For You And Your BOO

Use these hilarious ideas to spark your creativity this Halloween!

26 Trendy Halloween Couples Costumes For You And Your BOO
Silvia Skelling Via Flickr

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With Halloween approaching and cuffing season starting up, coordinating Halloween costumes are a must to debut your boo at all the Halloween parties you'll be attending! Whether it's for a college party, or just going out to a bar, if you dress as one of these you'll get lots of laughs!

1. Keke and Drake 


Put together a typical Drake costume, and grab one of these shirts for your girl! Bonus points if you bring a steering wheel prop!

2. Juul and Pod


There are going to be tons of these at the party already, why not dress as one?

3. Classic Vines


This may take some planning, but get creative and go as your favorite Vine! You can always use paper or signs to label yourselves to ensure others get the joke.

4. Cop and Prisoner


Cop and robber is such a classic couple's costume move with so many variations. Looks good every year.

5. Moth and Lamp


Express your sense of humor with this meme-tastic idea.

6. Angel and Devil


Opposites attract! Plus, if you own white and black clothing, you can keep your purchases to a minimum on this one!

7. Mermaid and Captain


Show everyone how NAUGHTYcal you can be this Halloween!

8. BDE

If you know, you know. One wears an eggplant costume, and the other wears a lightning bolt costume for the ultimate power move. You could also just put the emojis on t-shirts! (@Pete Davidson)

9. Dalmation and Fireman


Suggest this one to bae so he'll show off his muscles ;) Bonus points if he picks you up in a fireman carry for photos!

10. Post Malone and One of His Favorite Items


One of you be Post Malone and the other could be a cigarette or a beer can. A classic duo! :,)

11. Eggs and Bacon


Go the eggstra mile and show everyone what you and your boo got cookin' together ;)

12. Jack and Coke


The bartender won't even have to ask what you want to drink!

13. Playboy Bunny and Hugh Hefner


Ah yes, the somewhat trashy yet timeless classic.

14. Vape girl and Wow Boy Vine


Wear all black, bring a juul, and make make a sign!

15. mermaid man and barnacle boy


When you bond over spongebob memes, you know what to do.

16. Astronaut and The Moon


For the couples whose love is *out of this world* <3

17. Lil' Red Riding Hood and Big Bad Wolf


Another classic idea for the couple who owns a flannel and doesn't mind splurging on a red hood.

18. Superman and Wonder Woman


I can't think of a better way to look super.

19. Ron Swanson and Bacon


For when you and bae love watching 'Parks and Rec' together.



Hopefully, this costume doesn't describe your relationship... There are many ways to execute this costume! They sell a variety of shirts, dresses, and jackets or even DIYs if you find this funny. One of you could even go as Trump and the other as fake news.

21. Bob Ross and His Artwork


Show everyone at the party how creative you are! You guys getting together was no "happy accident".

22. Sports Player and Mascot


For the sporty couples out there, show off your love for your favorite team!

23. Pumpkins


This costume is a simple and cute opportunity to be spooky with your cuffing SZN boo!

24. Kim K. and Kanye


With all the wild things constantly going on with this family, you'll definitely be recognized at the party!

Gordon Ramsay and The Idiot Sandwich Meme


This one is so simple and so funny! Especially if you made signs that said "idiot sandwich". Just get chef costumes and tape some bread to your girl's head.

26. Kermit and Tea Meme


One of you dress as Kermit, and the other can dress as The Tea. The combos and variations are simple, but hilarious!

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