Have you or any of your friends brought home a boy that just isn't working? Well, here is the perfect boyfriend application that will ensure the next boy gets your best friends approval.
The Basics:
*Do not leave any questions blank, doing so can result in a rejected application*
Full Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Social Security Number:
GPA (Do not round) :
Life Plans:
Number of long-term relationships (longer than 6 months):
Name of any crazy exes:
Size of your willy (Do not round):
Circumcised: yes or no
Number of sexual partners:
Fifty Shades of Grey score (1-50):
Status of employment:
Do you have kids?
If you answered yes to the above question: How many?
How crazy is your baby mama (1-10)?
Please provide a short statement regarding your opinions on the following topics:
1. Feminism
2. Racism
3. Religion
4. Donald Trump
You didn't see these coming:
Please describe your relationship with your family in 10 words or less.
Explain the difference between dating, talking, and having a boyfriend/girlfriend.
How often do you talk to your grandma?
Most important person in your life?
Who is your best friend?
Favorite animal?
Now, on a scale from 1-10:
Rate your estimated level of douchiness (1-10):
Rate your estimated level of funniness (1-10):
Rate your level of competitiveness during drinking games (1-10):
Level of craziness you think you can handle (1-10):
Other important pieces information you must surrender in order to date me:
Beer of choice:
Whiskey of choice:
Favorite hobbies (list 2 or more):
Number of shots before you b*tch out?
Favorite movie genre?
How many friends do you have?
How many of them are female?
How many kids do you want?
How many dogs do you want?
Desired vacation spot?
Describe your dream destination and house in 10 words or less.
Describe your dream wedding in 10 words or less.
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
If you stated yes above: please throw this application in the trash.
References: provide contact info for at least two of your exes.
Phone Number:
Phone Number:
*Application must be approved by 3 of my closest friends before you can proceed
*Approval can be revoked at any time at the discretion of aforementioned friends
(Attach resume to the back of this application)
By signing below, I agree that I have answered all the above answers honestly and I understand any false information can result in automatic rejection of the dating process. I also agree that honest answers do not result in automatic approval. Any person(s) can be denied dating rights for any reason. I understand any f*ckboy actions at any point of the dating process is prohibited. Failure of loyalty leads to a phone call to the brother or father of the girlfriend.
Print Name (legibly, you barbarian): ____________________________________________________
Signature (it better look like an autograph): ___________________________________________________
Date: ____ / _____ / ____