10 Fun Things To Do When You're Bored During Summer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Fun Things To Do When You're Bored During Summer

Relieving your summer boredom.

10 Fun Things To Do When You're Bored During Summer
The Odyssey

We all have those long, boring summer days where no one can hang out and you end up being stuck at home all alone for a day. Hopefully, these will give you some inspiration on how to relieve your boredom.

1. Play with your pets.

Pets can honestly be the best companions sometimes, especially when you’re lonely. Teach them a new trick, take them on a walk, or just spend the day snuggling.

2. Learn how to play an instrument.

Music can be very therapeutic and also be a good way to pass the time.

3. Work out.

We all crave having a perfect summer bod, so why not help yourself get closer to that goal when you have nothing else to do. There are lots of at-home workout videos on Youtube, that can help you to get started.

4. Clean.

Life can get a little messy, especially our bedrooms. Take the day to clean up around the house.

5. Draw/paint.

Drawing and painting can be a great way to express yourself and make something cool. Don’t worry about it being perfect, just be creative.

6. Find a new hobby.

There are lots of things that you can do at home that are fun, that you probably have never tried before. For example, you could take your day off to learn how to knit, sew, play basketball, whatever your heart desires.

7. Have a spa day.

We all need those days where we put on a face mask, re-paint our nails, and take a bubble bath. Long, summer days like this are perfect for that.

8. Bake something.

Baking is always a fun way to spend time and make some yummy treats.

9. Binge watch a Netflix series.

This is the classic thing to do when you're at home by yourself, but hey, at least it passes a lot of time. I personally recommend Gossip Girl, 90210, Gilmore Girls, and The Fosters.

10. Sleep.

I think we are always a little behind in our schedules and we all deserve a day to sleep. Even if it is all day long.

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