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10 Summer Activities You Can Easily Try

Try everything and anything!!

Sunglasses places on the beach sand

This summer, live it to its potential! Life isn't all work and no play. Make sure to give yourself some time to be silly and explore. - Take a chance on everything - Make a restaurant bucket list and visit every restaurant on it - Go on a restaurant road trip - Visit a local music hot spot - Have a water balloon fight - Spend a day at the beach - Find a pen pal - Try surfing - Take up music lessons - Say yes to something you're scared of - Get into a book series - Have a movie marathon - Make a bonfire - Log everything you do and make a scrapbook.

Here are a bunch of things you can do this summer, that are guaranteed fun:

Go on a restaurant road trip.

Old blue hatchback car on a mountain road with food and restaurant signs

Food Road Trip


Make a restaurant bucket list and visit every restaurant on it. Try everything you've heard from people that are good. If it's not near by, make it a trip to go to that location and maybe explore the area with it. Food is always worth it. Correction: GOOD food is always worth it.

Visit a local music hot spot.

Animated Musicians In front of shops playing music

Local Music


You'd be surprised of the liveliness in your own little towns with local musicians. Check them out and open your appreciation for some nice live music.

Have a water balloon fight.

Animated people Throwing water balloons at eachother

water balloon fight


Fill these babies with water and or paint and have a blast. Water balloon fights or darts with paint (with a backboard) #princessdiariesinspired

Spend a day at the beach.

The ocean on the shore line with a sunset and palm treesseashore during golden hourPhoto by Sean Oulashin on Unsplash

This is an obvious one. But, maybe going at different times can prove to be different. The sun and sky differ in color, the air is different, and the people are different too. Give it a shot. What's one early morning or one late night?

Find a pen pal.

Pens and letters with envelopes scattered on a table

pen pal


This one is something I just did recently, because why not?! Send a handwritten letter to all of your current friends, and maybe anyone you have lost touch with. Become pen pals! It's pleasantly therapeutic and it's just nice to have letters in the mail that aren't ads or bills.

Say yes to something you’re scared of.

Animated people in a roller coaster

rollercoaster ride


Try surfing. Take up some music lessons. Text that person you've been wanting to text! Make some connections. Go on that interview! Push yourself!!!


three books stacked on top of eachother with sunglasses on top of them on a table at the beachblack framed Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses on top of bookPhoto by Link Hoang on Unsplash

Get into a book series! Get lost into another world besides your own and enjoy. Even if you hate reading, make a goal to try to read one book that may prove to be interesting to you. Be open minded and relax. If you have a 200 page book, you can even read at a pace of 2 pages a day. It'll be complete someday. Get it started now.

Have a movie marathon.

Drawn colorful pictures of Movie popcorn boxes and large cool drinks

movie marathon


Get your buddies together and just let these movies run on and on. It will be the best of the best. Snacks and drinks will be a plus!

Make a bonfire.

Fire burning as a bonfire in the sand at nightperson standing near bonfirePhoto by Sambit Mahapatra on Unsplash

THIS IS THE BEST! Some memorable summer nights! Get a bonfire going with a bunch of friends, get some music playing, drink, and talk the night away. Play some charades, tell ghost stories, or just chill. It's a definite good time.


Animated picture with journal, laptop glasses and coffee on a table



Log everything you do. Stick a cute polaroid pic next to it! Make a scrap book. Get creative! It will be nice to look back on these memories without having to scroll through pictures on your phone!

Take a chance on everything. Let yourself explore things you never have "time" for. Make time. Make it last. Make it memorable.

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