11 Fun Things to Do In NJ For Free
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11 Fun Things to Do In NJ For Free

This summer is filled with things to do in New Jersey.

11 Fun Things to Do In NJ For Free

Enjoy these 11 fun things to do in New Jersey this summer. The best part...they're 100% free!

1. Seagirt Lighthouse

Sea Girt, New Jersey, a beautiful and tranquil shore town, is home to a breathtaking lighthouse. This NJ lighthouse stands 44 feet tall and can be seen up to 15 miles off-shore. Its once utilization of a historic Fresnel lens makes this lighthouse a sight see. In 1921, the station became the first ever to feature a radio beacon on land so communication with ships became possible. Tours are conducted year-round by appointment and donations are always accepted, but not mandatory. Call 732-974-0514 to schedule your tour today!

2. Presby Memorial Iris Gardens

If you love nature and flowers this free attraction is for you! The Presby Memorial Iris Gardens are located in beautiful Upper Montclair, NJ. On 7 1/2 acres of mountainside, they have arrangements of over 3,000 varieties of irises and over 100,000 flowers that bloom throughout the season. Presby Memorial Iris Gardens is open from dawn until dusk everyday unless otherwise stated on their website.

3. Cattus Island County Park

Ocean County, the heart of the Jersey Shore, is home to a cute and quiet county park. Cattus Island is a 530-acre natural wonderland with multiple adventures for you and your family to take. The park offers year-round activities such as bird watching, walks through the wetlands, events at their conservation area, programs at their environmental education site, crabbing, cross-country skiing, fishing, several acres of nature trails, scenic overlooks, several acres for hiking and biking, numerous picnic areas and playgrounds for the little ones. While here, be sure to visit the beautiful Butterfly Garden, the only one in Ocean County.

4. Oceanfest

All are invited to Long Branch's Oceanfest, an all-day, family-friendly festival that brings together the most memorable sights, sounds and sensations of the NJ summer season. Oceanfest combines the best parts of everyone's favorite community and cultural events, and finished off with the most spectacular fireworks display you'll see anywhere along the Jersey coast. Visitors can take a stroll on the boardwalk, while enjoying the views and live performances by dancers, musicians, clowns and carnival acts. You can sample from a variety of food vendors, and check out the wares of crafters from all over the northeast. You can even see a sand sculpture demonstration, meet a familiar costumed character, and catch some cool ocean breezes.

5. Somerset County Summer Concert Series

It would not be summer in NJ without music in the park! Bring lawn chairs and picnic baskets and enjoy a variety of musical performances in Duke Island Park in Bridgewater.

6. Jenkinson's Fireworks at Dark

After a long day of tanning, splashing in the waves, or testing your limits on all the rides at Jenkinson's Boardwalk, top off your day with Point Pleasant's weekly fireworks display. Every Thursday starting July 9th and ending September 3rd, enjoy fireworks starting at dark, weather permitting!

7. Long Branch Jazz & Blues Festival

Join the Jersey Shore Jazz and Blues Foundation for this fabulous event featuring live performances by talented jazz and blues musicians, food, crafter and sponsor exhibits. There are activities for the entire family and fireworks at night. The festival takes place rain or shine. It is dog-friendly and all ages are welcome to attend!

8. Jersey Farmer's Markets

Community Farmers Markets are seasonal markets where consumers can buy produce and other agricultural products directly from New Jersey farmers. Check the New Jersey Department of Agriculture's "Jersey Fresh" website to find local farmer's markets near you!

9. Stokes State Forest

The breathtaking and panoramic view from Sunrise Mountain along the Appalachian Trail rewards hikers who have trekked up the steep side of the mountain. The view encompasses the farmland of New Jersey to the east and undeveloped forests to the west. For those who don’t relish the idea of climbing up the side of a mountain and following a sometimes rocky and steep trail for a few hours, there is a short drive to the pavilion at the top of the mountain. Stokes is famous for its impressive beauty, whether it is at the top of a mountain ridge or in the cool and fragrant Tillman Ravine with its rushing stream. Hikers, campers, fishermen and photographers are attracted to its wild setting.

10. White Shore Trail

White Shore Trail is a 3.9 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located near Alpine, NJ that features a waterfall and is rated as difficult. The trail offers a number of activity options and is accessible from March until November. Dogs are also able to use this trail but must be kept on leash. At the bottom enjoy amazing views of New York.

11. Atlantic City Beaches

The beaches in Atlantic City are famous, and rightly so. Everything you could possibly want is right there within walking distance, from shops to five-star restaurants to casinos, attractions, and great shows. All benefits of being one of the few American beaches with boardwalks. What better way to cap a day of shopping, shows and gourmet dining than a pleasant sunset walk on the shore? And should you want to venture into the waves, you can surf, fish, parasail or embark on a relaxing cruise.

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