I have been single for over 10 years. I also have a habit of pushing all but my closest friends away. What this means is that I am very good at finding things to do alone. I want to share with you things that I have found to be especially enjoyable.
Summer can be a trying time for many people. We are pressured to do more things than normal even once we are done with school because of years of conditioning. This becomes even more extreme in the dating world where couples use the summer months to show off devotion. For those of us in the forever alone crowd, this can be problematic.
But not all hope is lost. There are many fun things to do that require only yourself. Many of these can be done at any time of the year, but summer is a point in time where loneliness can creep up if we are not careful about how we spend our time.
1. Write.
Lonely Planet
Writing is one of my favorite ways to spend time alone. This one can be done almost anywhere thanks to either the internet or pen and paper. Do you like the beach? How about a local coffee shop? A pleasant park can be just the place to get ideas too. This writing does not have to be any good either. It can be very liberating to write for oneself and not worry about being judged. Remember this entire article is about activities to do with yourself. Others need not apply.
2. Workout outside.
Do outdoor workouts. This one combines the outdoors with being healthy. It's quite an amazing combination I must say. People become frightened of the word workout, though. This brings in other ideas such as commitment which can be harmful to those who are alone. Don't think like that! Workouts can be sporadic events as well. And since no one is judging you except yourself, you only have to worry about your own feelings on this matter. If you feel bad about not doing more exercise than this might be just the motivation you need to start a healthier lifestyle.
3. Play video games.
Nikita Kachanovsky
Play a longer and story-driven video game. This one might seem like the polar opposite of working out. Depending on who you ask, it might very well be, but that is not what I want to bring up. Video games can be a powerful storytelling medium. And like any book, movie, or TV show, they can become incredibly engrossing. Currently, I am playing Persona 5. This game promises to have more than 100 hours of game time. That is plenty of gameplay for me to experience. Best of all, I need no one else to truly enjoy this game.
4. Read a book.
Speaking of good stories, few things can beat a good book. Like the writing example above, the sky is the limit when it involves good reading spots. Parks, beaches, city benches, right at home - there are so many different variations of things one can do with finding the perfect reading spot. I imagine there will never be a time where reading a book will become an outdated ordeal.
5. Binge watch a series.
Like video games and books, some TV series will have you glued to your TV for hours - forgetting that you are even alone. Check out some streaming services like Netflix or Hulu. There are a plethora of great shows to keep you busy all summer.
6. Go on a joyride.
Last but not least in this list, I want to talk about the thrill of going on a joyride. I mean driving of course! Florida might be a dangerous place to drive and you would be hard pressed to ask a person in this state that doesn't feel that they are risking their lives every time they enter a car. That still does not take away from the power of exploration. Cars let us reach destinations far quicker than on foot. I once was at a seminar where the speakers mentioned they would intentionally get lost while driving aimlessly just so they could discover new places.
All in all, I recommend that those who want to do some soul searching this summer look into making themselves happy. Sometimes the seemingly little things are actually a lot.