Fun Things To Do if You’re Not Going Home for Fall Break | The Odyssey Online
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Fun Things To Do if You’re Not Going Home for Fall Break

If your home isn’t within driving distance and your parents aren’t going to pay to fly you home for fall break this year, you’re in the minority. But have no fear: there are a lot of fun things you can do when TCU becomes a ghost town!

Fun Things To Do if You’re Not Going Home for Fall Break

Make new friends: When half to three-fourths of students leave campus, the ones who stay tend to bond over the fact that they are the only ones left. You go to lunch with people you wouldn’t normally eat with, and hang out with people you wouldn’t usually hang out with. While everyone else is home seeing their old friends, you’re here on campus making new ones!

Take advantage of your nearly empty residence hall and play indoor golf: If you don’t have a golf ball and a golf club, find another circular object and something to hit it with and make your own game of mini golf. Go into the common area of your dorm and put a sticker or something small on the floor. Then put a few obstacles in front of it and start your game. Whoever hits the ball the least amount of times before it hits the sticker wins! 

Go to Austin City Limits: It may be too late to buy a 3-day pass, but you can still buy a 1-day pass! Search Craigslist, people tend to get desperate to sell their unwanted tickets right before an event, so take advantage of buying a cheaper ticket last minute. 

Play tourist and explore fun parts of Fort Worth: Some good activity places to go are Six Flags, Flight Deck Trampoline Park, and Alpine Shooting Range. 

Have a Dallas day: While you’re there, stop by the Texas state fair for some fried food, fun, and NorthPark Mall to go shopping. 

Go to Baylor for the football game: Cheer on the frogs Saturday during our game against Baylor in their new stadium. It’s sure to be a good one. 

Treat yo' self day: Do everything you’ve been meaning to do, but haven’t found the time for. Sleep in until 12, get a mani/pedi, binge-watch Netflix, take a nap, get ice cream, ect. 

Go to Fossil Rim: This drive-through safari is truly incredible. Where else can you can hand feed giraffes from your car? When I went this summer, a giraffe stuck it’s head through the sun roof of my car and tried to eat food from the bag sitting on my lap. There are many other animals to see there as well, such as cheetahs, rhinos, ostriches, and zebras.

Go to the stadium: If you haven’t been to the stadium when it’s empty before, this is your weekend to do it. I suggest climbing all the way to the highest point of the bleachers on the opposite side of the student section. At night there is a beautiful view of all the buildings and their lights in downtown Fort Worth. Bring a special someone to make it romantic, or bring a workout buddy and run up and down the stairs to make it a workout.

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