8 Fun Summer Activities To Do In Little Elm, Texas | The Odyssey Online
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8 Fun Summer Activities To Do In Little Elm, Texas

There is more to do than you may realize.

8 Fun Summer Activities To Do In Little Elm, Texas

Little Elm is a suburb north of Dallas, Texas. It is a small town, so, often, people think there is nothing to do or forget about the things there is to do. In the past few years it has grown a lot and many new fun summer attractions have been built. Whether you live in Little Elm or you're just visiting, here are a few fun summer activities you can enjoy.

The Lake

This may seem kind of obvious since Little Elm is right on the lake, but if you're just visiting or new to the area, you may not realize that you don't have to have a boat to enjoy the lake. There is the Little Elm "beach" with a roped off area for people to swim. Beach in quotations since it's not a beach at an ocean, but not living near an ocean it's nice to have somewhat of a beach to enjoy. Recently, they have expanded the beach and swim area and have also added 10 new sand volleyball courts right on the lake. Before there was only a couple sand volleyball courts away from the beach area, but now there is both to enjoy.


Hydrous is a wake boarding park that was built in Little Elm a few years ago. This is a great place to go learn how to wakeboard from beginners to more advanced riders. They even offer different summer camp sessions. If you want to do something new this summer, check out hydrous.

Restaurants on the Lake

Hulu Hut and Towers Tap House both sit on the edge of the lake. They both have two different fun atmospheres. When hydrous is open you can sit outside at either restaurant and watch people wakeboard. At night the patios are lit and you can relax and enjoy the nighttime summer air.


Camping can always be a fun summer activity. Either as a family activity or with friends. There are places you can camp by the lake at Little Elm park. You can pay to pitch a tent and camp. You can also camp at hidden cove. Even though the address for hidden cove isn't actually in Little Elm, it's close enough that residents of Little Elm or visitors can camp there.


There are several parks in Little Elm to enjoy, all offering different things to enjoy. Little Elm park is on the lake and offers the beach, camping sites, a playground for kids, a walking trail, the volleyball courts and other fun things to enjoy. Cotton Wood Park located near the marina offers a playground, fishing, and a walking trail. Beard Park located near Hydrous offers a playground for kids to play and and a pavilion to have picnics or birthday parties. As one of the newest parks in Little Elm McCord Park offers a playground for kids, a disc golf course, a walking trail, a fishing dock and picnic areas. There are plenty of fun parks to take your kids during the summer or to enjoy yourself.

Walking Trails

If you enjoy walking or biking there are several trails you can enjoy. The Little Elm Park, Cotton Wood Park and Mccord Park all offer walking and biking trails with different sceneries to enjoy.

Summer Rhythms

Every Friday in June at the Little Elm amphitheater near the lake there are live concerts starting at 8 p.m. This is a great opportunity to enjoy live music near the lake with your friends and family.

Margarita Hut To Go

Even though you have to be of age to enjoy this and you can enjoy it even not in the summer, it's great to be able to go get a margarita to go and soak up the summer rays while enjoying a tasty margarita.

If you thought Little Elm was boring, it may have used to have been boring, besides the lake, but there are now plenty of things to do. There is more to do in Little Elm than you may have realized, whether you live here or you're just visiting. Let me know what your favorite summer activity is in Little Elm!

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