Many times throughout our lives we hear this idea: it is important to take care of those around you -- the homeless and the world. Heck, society itself reminds us how important it is to be concerned about others and the tragedies that occur daily. But many question, "Why help? Why try to help others?" The answer is simple. When people decide to notice, when they decide to act and when they decide to make a difference (even in small ways), it leads to impacting the world in a big way.
Throughout my life, I have learned several valuable lessons about serving and helping others. One thing: find the reason why you do what you do in everything that you do. The second thing is this: you can't change the world, but you certainly can spark the world and hope for eventual change. The third thing is, whatever vision, goal or ideas you have, make sure it is shared and acted out. The last thing is: have fun!
Now you may say that it may be fun for me, but it won't be fun for you. However, here are nine ways helping others can be fun and make people happy.
1. It will actually make you feel great.
Giving back has positive effects on your body. Studies have proven that when people donate or volunteer for a cause, the mesolimbic system (which is a part of your brain) is triggered. This trigger then commands the brain to release feel-good chemicals and spurs you to perform more kind acts. Many psychologists jokingly refer to it as "helper's high."
2. It gives you self-confidence.
Experts claim that as feelings of social connecting increase, so does your self-esteem.
3. Your perspective shifts.
Helping others also allows you to change your outlook and attitude.
4. You can influence change.
You can't always fully change circumstances and the world, but you can certainly spark them.
5. You gain sense of community.
6. Giving yourself to others will give you inner-peace.
7. It makes you feel thankful for what you do have.
8. It gives you a sense of transition.
It shows you where you came from and how you changed the negative outcome.
9. Finally, it will spur others to pay it forward....
These are the nine things that I have discovered from serving others. I hope you all will be encouraged and find fun in serving each other and the world.