I’ve always been pretty introverted, until you get to know me. So, coming to a college three hours away from home without any of my best friends or family was a very hard adjustment. Soon after getting my big, I was introduced to someone who would mean the world to me! Alex was in my pledge class but we had never really talked or hung out, until our bigs kind of forced us to. Not complaining though, because Alex is the one person that I know I can go to and not be judged.
Alex is a social butterfly and is so fun to be around, her presence can honestly put you in a good mood in five seconds or less. She probably doesn’t realize this, but she’s taught me so much in the past year that I’ll never forget! She has taught me to not give a flying fladoodle what anyone says. She has taught me that it’s okay to be social(biggie I know). She has helped push me out of my comfort zone. She has always been there for me no matter what.
If it wasn’t for Alex, I don’t think I would’ve found myself so quickly in college. I’m a sophomore in college right now, and I feel like I know myself better now than I ever have. College is a time to push yourself out of your comfort zone and find yourself, and that’s exactly what my best friend did for me.
I’ve always heard that you find friends that will last a lifetime in college, and I never truly believed it until I met her. She is honestly the best friend I’ve ever had and I never would’ve been friends with her if it wasn’t for our bigs! I am so thankful that we were pushed into this friendship and I wouldn’t have it any other way.