We all have those random facts that we can share if we need to tell a fun fact. Here are 11 I have learned in my life.
1.CVS stands for Consumer Value Store (Thank you to my sophomore year trig teacher).
2.J.K. Rowling chose the unusual name “Hermione” so young girls wouldn’t be teased for being nerdy.
3. Sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from each other.
4. People originally thought of ketchup as a drug (I learned in my vices and addictions class).
5. In countries such as Ghana, even though elementary school is free, children are forced to work instead of go to school. (Learned from doing research for an essay for my Management class)
6. Arthur Miller’s parents didn't even attend his graduation (Learned from doing a research essay in my English class)
7. If you lift a kangaroo’s tail off the ground, it can’t hop.
8. Survivor doesn’t let any contestants be Eagle Scouts (From a conversation with my boyfriend who is an Eagle Scout).
9. In 2015, more people were killed from injuries caused by taking a selfie than by shark attacks.
10. About 8000 Americans are injured by musical instruments each year.
11. Epitaph- the name for the inscription on a grave in memory of one buried there (Came up in a get to know you question)
Hope you enjoyed these fun facts and now you can use them to amaze your friends at your knowledge.