1. Name Origin
The term “cannibal” comes from the Spanish when they were trying to describe the Carib Indians of the Caribbean. Since the letter “r” was difficult to pronounce, the Spanish called them “Canib”, hence the word cannibal.
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2. Kuru
Kuru is a disease that some native tribes in Papua New Guinea have that is believed to be contracted from eating humans. It is thought to be similar to Mad Cow disease.
3. Fairy Tales
Cannibalism actually was present in traditional fairy tales. We all know about the giant who wanted to eat Jack and the witch who wanted to eat Hansel and Gretel, but did you know that originally the wicked queen wanted to eat Snow White’s heart?
4. A King’s Favorite Dish
It is thought that the Aztecs engaged in cannibalism to appease their gods. Moctezuma was apparently partial to thighs served with tomatoes and chili pepper sauce.
5. Love
The Fore people of Papua New Guinea practiced endocannibalism in which they would eat every single part of their deceased — bones and all. Interestingly, it was done because they believed it was the best way to keep their dead alive and close to them forever, thus paying them respect.
6. Survival Cannibalism
In 1972, an airplane crashed in the Andes with Uruguayan rugby team on board. In order to survive, some ate the dead people which lasted them 72 days until they were rescued.
7. Medical Cannibalism
Cannibalism was not uncommon in the Middle Ages because it was believed that different parts of the body could heal ailments.
8. Jamestown
In 2013, archeologists found evidence of cannibalism in Jamestown. It is believed that the harsh winter of 1602 was what brought on the creepy acts.
9. Mental Illness
Cannibalism not done out of survival or ritual is often a result of mental illness. A common diagnosis for modern cannibals is psychopathy or schizophrenia.
10. Addiction
It has been found that cannibalism can be addictive for certain people. It often starts as fantasy but once it leads to action the brain is flooded with dopamine which can cause a desire to repeat the same feeling.
11. Taste
Most cannibals say that human flesh tastes similar to pork and isn’t “gamey.”