This usually applies to the upper history classes, so don't panic non-history majors. There is a whole course about it and it is a gateway to the upper classes. I will be taking it in the spring, wish me luck!
Alright, so being a History or History Ed major seems a little weird. Like why are these people getting degrees in what is supposedly "common sense" knowledge? History is more than just that, it's about analyzing why did the event happen, why it is so important, and the impacts it had made on to modern society. Now you know why people go into history, let's go over some fun facts about History Majors.
1. We aren't exactly normal.
Normal is boring anyways. Always be yourself!
2. We have to use Chicago/Turabian writing style.
This usually applies to the upper history classes, so don't panic non-history majors. There is a whole course about it and it is a gateway to the upper classes. I will be taking it in the spring, wish me luck!
3. For History Ed Majors, we get told so many different things, that we wing it half the time.
True story because we get told so many different things like were told oh you need to do the minor then you shouldn't do the minor, do the masters. So we wing it
4. We all have our own preference for what we study.
Not every history major is passionate about every event! Some prefer the American Revolution, while others prefer Modern America. It depends on what we have a passion for the most.
5. History Eds have to do double the work.
In addition to doing just the major, History Ed majors must also do the education part and that is sometimes more work than the actual major.
6. Some of us will go overboard when explaining history.
True story: my roommate ask me when the Russian Revolution occur and I went on a 2-minute rant explaining what it is. At the end of it, she said: "Okay it occurred in 1917".
7. There are so few of us, but when we meet one another we get excited.
At my school, there are not a lot of people who study history. So whenever I meet someone who does, I get really excited.
8. We tell bad jokes
Here is a good one: "Don't Y'all have any Thomas Paine (He wrote common sense)"
9. There are more than 2 careers to choose from.
Per the AHA, history majors are not stuck with either the choice of historians or educators. They can be lawyers, writers, editors, and librarians.
10. At the end of the day, we face the same struggles like any other major.
It doesn't matter what we major in, we're all in this struggle to graduate.
At the end of the day regardless of your major, we all have to go through our own little things. It's funny that we all have our own little things that make us unique.
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