Personally, I do not like parties. It just takes so much work to get ready to go to some place where I know maybe two people who are only there to get drunk. I'm also not one for drinking because I hate the taste of alcohol, so going out to get drunk just isn't fun for me. So, for all of you lovely people who are with me in their dislike of parties, here are 12 ways to have fun on a Friday night without partying:
1. Go see a movie at the theater.
Who doesn't want to see the latest chick flick, rom-com or action movie?
2. Write something.
Writing for personal purposes, regardless of how bad you believe you are, can be freeing and fun.
3. Go bowling or ice skating or rollerblading.
Not every town has a place to do all of those things, but if yours does, bring some friends and have a good time.
4. Cook something new.
Have you ever had spaghetti tacos? No? Make some! Cooking is great, especially with friends. And remember: even if you are a bad cook, the biggest mess-ups turn into the greatest stories.
5. Binge watch Netflix.
Many people probably already do this during the week, but hey, there are always more shows to watch.
6. Go to Walmart.
Going to Walmart even without money can be great with a group of friends. Walk around, joke about some ridiculous appliance or decoration you find, sniff all of the candles. Have fun with it!
7. Try ideas on Pinterest.
Ever made a crayon painting? Or saw a certain makeup look you wanted to imitate? Now's your chance!
8. Read a book for fun.
So many people stop reading after high school due to a lack of time or loss of interest. Pick up a book that seems interesting and read like crazy.
9. Go camping.
Camping is not enjoyable to everyone, but going for even one night can be relaxing and interesting with some friends. Besides, who doesn't enjoy s'mores?
10. Play video games.
Surprisingly enough, I have met a couple of people who have Play Stations, Wiis, and other various gaming systems in their dorm. Some people are even willing to share.
11. Go to the mall.
Again, money is optional. My friends and I will sometimes go to one of the clothing stores and attempt to find the most hideous things for the other person to try on.
12. Go out to eat.
Go with some friends. Why not?
13. Go play Laser Tag.
Seriously, this is definitely one of the best options here. If you are one of the lucky ones who lives near a laser tag place, bring some friends and go crazy!
14. My personal favorite: Watch a movie using a projector.
My friends and I used to do this more often. All you need is a projector, a large white-ish surface (maybe a wall or a white sheet), a movie, and some friends. Snacks are definitely encouraged.
Whether you are into partying or not, most of these suggestions are great in general and can create lasting memories. Pretty much every activity listed is better, if not best, with friends. Everyone deserves to have fun on the weekends!