As our country gets more divided, we can always find a common ground to bring people together. Finding activities that will make you feel better and give you a sense of fulfillment is important during your time at college. There are many opportunities available on campus to help lower stress, develop communication skills, and improve self-confidence. We are all human beings, not animals and therefore should be spending more time helping each other to make the world a safer place to live. Besides parties and rush events, there are other ways to meet new friends, create memories, and have a fun time at college. Here are 10 activities that can help college students manage their stress and make their college experience more relaxing and enjoyable.
1. Volunteer for a fundraiser
Even if you are not officially part of a club whose mission is to help others, it would be beneficial to participate in a fundraiser with a group. You will meet new friends, improve social skills, and feel good about helping those who need assistance. Whether it is giving blood, having a thrift sale or selling baked goods, you are making a difference. The campus community and non-profit organization you are helping will appreciate your generosity and commitment as well.
2. Write for the campus newspaper
One good way to connect with the university, improve writing skills, and share your thoughts with the community is joining the newspaper club. There will be a variety of topics available to write about. If you want to express your thoughts on art, music, sporting events or opinions on an issue, this is the place. Perhaps you might consider minoring in creative writing.
3. Attend a theatrical performance
Universities are filled with talented students. If you are looking for an event with music, comedy, or drama then you should see a play or movie with friends. There are many different events happening, so find one that catches your attention. If you enjoyed going, make it a habit to see at least one or two performances a month with your roommates or significant other.
4. Start a raffle drawing for charity
If you want to raise money for a charity, start a raffle. Make a flyer and promote it. Offer a cool prize to encourage people to buy tickets. You might inspire other students to do the same, and can add this as volunteer work on your resume.
5. Check out student's work at an art gallery
There are many creative students that will have art displayed in a gallery. Even if you are a non-art major, stop by one with friends at the reception or any time. You might be amazed and it may encourage you to submit your own work at a gallery.
6. Cheer for a sports team at a game
Here is an activity that you can bring friends or your significant other to experience. Either a football, basketball, or any sport is a great chance to relax and support your university's sports team. It's an event to attend at least once a semester.
7. Become an orientation leader
Giving back to the community is important, so what better way to do it then helping other students who are arriving on campus during the start of the semester. Anyone who had an orientation leader will be thankful for the help. If you become an orientation leader you can help with schedules, make plans, and connections. Students will appreciate your commitment.
8. Go see a presentation with a guest speaker
There is always a chance to learn something new on campus. When you are not attending a boring class lecture, it is interesting to see a presentation with a faculty member or guest speaker. They have fascinating stories and interesting discussions about their lives and the topic being discussed. It is something that college students might want to check out.
9. Attend a computer workshop
If you are a computer science major or would like to improve on your technical skills, then it would be a great idea to attend a workshop. Find one that meets at a time that works with your schedule. You can learn about different Microsoft or Adobe software, which are beneficial skills. Make sure to let your friends know, and perhaps you can go as a group.
10. Go to a festival on campus
There are many events that involve students of all different backgrounds and nationalities. Depending on the season, the food, location, and activities will change, but you can still have a great time. Some examples of these events are the Farmer's Market and Harvest Festival. Get something delicious to eat, play some games, take pictures, and overall enjoy the day.