In the most recent article, I talked about getting a new job, a career. Well now I must go from looking like a normal 22 year old to wearing business clothes all the time.
Recently, I spent a decent amount of money of new clothes. I am used to wearing shorts and tank tops in the summer, Jeans and a sweatshirt in the Fall/Spring and knee high boots in the winter. Well I need to leave those clothes behind and switch them out for "Adult" clothing. I now have a closet full of dress pants, skirts, blazers (TONS OF BLAZERS) and blouses. Oh and I cannot forget shoes, mostly flats.
This is difficult because anybody who knows me I LOVE my plaids and flannels. Lets be honest, I have enough to last an entire week. I wear them all year round and with anything.
I am not entirely used to wearing clothing like this. However, I must say that it is not terrible. I am looking forward to looking professional on a daily basis. When I go out, I want my friends to see me in my work outfits. I have a feeling that eventually that I will be donating about majority of my clothing to just wear professional items at all times.
I need to change how I wear my hair and once again if you know me, I wear my hair in a high bun all day and late a night I take it out. I am not a makeup guru or a hair guru. But I am willing to learn. So hear is a PSA, Makeup and hair gurus, please HELP ME!!!