Direct Current can be produced through DC generators, solar cells, batteries and power supplies. The graph of DC current looks like a flat line and is mostly used in low voltage applications and works as a power supply for batteries and electronic devices. Before AC current was introduced DC was the first power to be distributed commercially.
Student LifeAug 20, 2021
Full form of DC
DC is an acronym that has two meanings that are widely used. The full form of DC is Data Compression and the other full form of DC is Direct Current. So let's go ahead and understand the full forms of both the DC in-depth and which one to be used at the right time.
• DC as Direct Current
DC can be abbreviated as Direct Current which is electric charges ( Electrons) flowing in one single direction from a negative charge to an area of positive charge through a conductor of electricity like a metal wire. In direct current, the intensity may be different but the direction of flow of electron remains the same.