People always say to, "live your life", but what exactly does that mean? Does it mean to go out and party, to travel the world, to become rich and famous? It honestly depends on how you interpret it. I personally believe that it simply means to live a life that is fulfilling to you.
By living a life that is fulfilling you aren't just doing what the people around think is living, you do what makes your heart happy. I feel that people nowadays seem ridiculed for living a life of normalities. Someone who spends their weekend crocheting a scarf and reading books rather than someone who either goes out to bars or spends the entire weekend camping is often looked upon as lazy or one who has an uneventful/unfulfilling life. Think about your favorite hobby, say it is reading and you really don't enjoy camping, it would be unfulfilling to go camping if you really don't enjoy it. What I am saying here is you don't need to go on extravagant trips or do things you don't want to do to have a fulfilling and happy life.
The influence of social media is giving the younger generation expectations that to be happy you have to show that you live an amazing life. For example, there are models that have dropped out of high school and started traveling the world with their careers. They post beautifully unrealistic pictures on Instagram and videos to their personal blogs. We look at these posts and fill with envy, wishing our lives were as much fun and as extraordinary. But the reality is we don't see their reality. They probably work grueling hours, only can travel to places they have to work, and must maintain their close to perfect image.
Nowadays we don't realize that our own life is the best life to be living, to be happy we must embrace every aspect of our being; whether that means getting in touch with one's religion or just finding a passion that fills your heart with joy, then that is what you need to do. It isn't about how you look, it isn't about how well your job pays, and it isn't about how many social media pictures you posted. It is about your purpose to life, why do you have this gift of life? Many don't know the answer to that question or even how to go about answering it. But, the answer I can give to everyone is that you are put on this Earth for a reason and you might as well be happy while trying to figure that reason out!