1. Coffee Shops
Coffee shops calm me down. I have an idea that sitting in the comfy chairs and sipping on an iced latte makes me more productive. Milwaukee has a plethora of options, from the Collectivo on the lake to the Rochambo on Brady Street.
2. Driving
One of my favorite things to do while I am home is drive. Preferably alone, and with music blasting. That way, no one can grab the aux cord or fear for their lives as my turns are still shaky, and my parallel parking is still disastrous. Jamming to music on roadtrips is also one of my favorites.
3. The Lake
I am so grateful to go to school a mile away from Lake Michigan. I love to run down to the lake in the mornings or the late afternoons. It’s quiet, and the lake is beautiful. During the summer, I walk on the lakefront path in Chicago - I think it made me realize that I always want to live somewhere by water.
4. Turkey Avocado Clubs
My go-to meal at restaurants. Over spring break, my friend and I went to Florida, and we indulged in these more than a few times during our trip.
5. Online Shopping
Online shopping is a perfect de-stressor or a reward after a jam-packed week of papers and projects. I usually try to find the cheapest places to buy from - even if the shipping time does take months and the clothing that comes doesn’t quite look like the image on the computer screen.
6. Wednesdays
Wednesdays are my favorite day of the week. It’s the turning point - suddenly, the weekend seems closer and the day goes by faster.
7. Strangers
I love meeting new people. Talking to strangers is great because they always have something interesting to share, or a new perspective to share about the world.
8. The summer and the fall
Summer is a mood-lifter. Suddenly, there is no school, lots of free time, and sunny temperatures. When the fall comes, it is a new start and a new chance at making friends and fresh classes.
9. Lists
I think one of the best feelings in the world is crossing things off of a to-do-list. It’s a weight lifted off your shoulders and a relief.
10. Walks
I love walking around my hometown during the fall. When I was younger, my best friend and I would just walk for hours around town, and those are some of my best memories. Now, college has given me an even greater appreciation of walking - since it is virtually one of the only ways to get around campus.
11. Quote Books/Columns
I love hearing other people’s advice. I have a quote book where I write down things people say that stick out to me - it’s amazing what you can learn when you listen. Reading columns is also fascinating, people’s opinions on the world and different matters are usually so unique and differ so much by person, so it always causes me to learn something.