Even though they say that living with roommates is one of the hardest things, I must be super lucky with mine. They may be messier than me and make me hangout with them, but I wouldn't change a thing. In celebration of these girls, I compiled a list of questions, thoughts, and statements that my roommates and I have on a daily basis:
1. Whose food is this?
2. I'll just use a little bit of this...they won't notice! They owe me anyways...
3. YESSSSS! Someone made cookies. My roomies rock.
4. Is anyone home?
5. I wonder if I could go downstairs with only a towel on and have no one see me...
6. Are these dishes clean or dirty? Oh well, guess they're dirty, then
7. Someone should take out the trash...I'll do it later
8. I'll pay you back... I promise!
9. Will y'all come to this with me so I'm not alone?
10. Let's make dinner together...I'm hungry
11. Have you checked the mail yet today?
12. Did I get a package?
13. Dang it! We are out of spoons again...guess I have to do the dishes...again.
14. Hey, I borrowed some _________, but I'll get you some more later.
15. *Forgets to get whatever it was they owed you*
16. Ew, what is that smell? What the heck did you cook?
17. Let's cook dinner together, put in a Nicholas Sparks movie, and talk about life.
18. Is anyone home?
19. Get in my snapchat, so I look friendly.
20. Does this look OK?
21. Do you have something better I could borrow?
22. Has anyone eaten dinner?
23. Who ate my cookies? *everyone denies everything*
24. Did you hear that?
*makes sudden Uh oh the ghost is back
26. Crap, did you already turn in your rent? How late am I?
27. Come with me.
28. Oh, there are STILL clothes in the dryer...
29. Why is the door unlocked...??? Someone must have been in a hurry this morning...
30. I hope no one stole anything...
31. What if there's a bad man hiding in here and I'm going to die? Will my roomies notice that I'm gone?
32. My snap story is filled with you dancing like a crazy person...
33. *Laying on someone's bed and talking about boys*
34. You're so much prettier than me.
35. *Stands in your doorway until you notice them and you pee a little bit when you finally notice a dark shadowy figure lurking in your doorway*
36. Why isn't anyone home? I'm so bored...
37. Which purse should I get? I can't pick a color :(...
38. No, you're coming with us... homework or school doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of life.
39. Why do we pay so much for cable/Internet if our WiFi doesn't ever work?
40. Love me...please.
Regardless of some of the petty frustrations that come with roommates, my roommates are actually two of my favorite people. These are the girls who know that I'll gladly eat their leftovers if they don't want them, will take their "expired" bread (with no mold whatsoever), will kill bugs, or let them come and sleep with me when we convince each other our upstairs is haunted. I look forward to coming home, even after a long and stressful day, because I know my roomies and our cozy apartment will be waiting. Getting to live with two girls with quality time love languages has given me some seriously quality times, but also some genuine and intentional lovin' that I would miss out on living by myself.
Here's to my roommates, who put up with my wordy, frugal self, who make our apartment better with HGTV-quality decorations, and who bake some seriously bomb cookies. Love y'all, mean it.