From Who You Were
I recommend you move away
from who you were
and live inside some self
you’re looking for.
Some nomads must travel
against themselves
to stand inside open spaces.
You are the start of everywhere
you’ll go.
Anything beyond that is a gap
you create for everyone else.
If you walk past a park
made for metallic sculptures,
teach yourself how to rust
because the body is intimate
with movement,
and when are images enough?
One day, you will have to unlearn
the discipline
of living behind a fence.
You may live in a moment
of nothing
and lay inside the green of grass.
Throw Away House
If you must listen to French songs
and sleep on old couches
to travel away from sadness,
learn to grow into wind
as it pulls the sound of leaves
from the trees, and don’t
watch the wallpaper
curve from the wall
the way your hair curls
toward your shoulder.
Don’t breathe into old buildings
their fear of being unwell.