A lot of people have asked me what exactly what it's like writing as a columnist on Odyssey (I mean, they actually haven't, but this concept for an article struck me as funny). To properly convey the high-pressure world of non-paid internet columnists, I decided to steal the transcript of one of our recent meetings (Which totally exist. Don't question it.). Enjoy.
4:38 PM, 2/12/18
Elsie (Editor in Chief): Alright assholes, we need some motherfucking Valentine's Day articles and we need them now.
Nolan (Smart-ass writer): And get the woman some pictures of Spider-man while you're at it, Freshman scum!
Elsie: Nolan...I will personally rip your throat out and use it for type-writer ribbon.
Nolan: Understood, boss.
Elsie: I'm seeing a lot of new faces in here today, most of them Freshmen...so we'll have Sue talk to all of you real quick.
Sue (Assistant Editor): Alright, alright, alright, new faces! And technically the term is First-Years, guys.
Nolan: I would like the record to reflect that she dabbed on her way up here and then proceeded to do finger-guns.
Elsie: Nolan!
Nolan: I know, I know...rip my throat out and all that.
Elsie: Actually, I've changed my mind. I want to tear your arms off, use them as drum sticks, and perform the drum solo from "Tom Sawyer" with them.
Nolan: That would be so impressive, I'm not even sure I'd be mad.
Elsie: Sue, proceed.
Sue: Well, as all of you know-AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
Elsie: What?
Sue: There was a giant cockroach right on the ground! It was crawling around.
Nolan: Oh yeah, I saw that the other day. It's gross. I named it Steven.
Elsie: Why didn't you tell any of us that we had an infestation?
Nolan: ...For the meme?
Elsie: I hate everything about you. Alright, everyone hit me with your article pitches. Nolan, I see your hand. I'm still not calling on you.
Nolan: Why?
Elsie: Your article is just gonna be a real meta concept that won't get too many page views because it's so far up its own ass.
Nolan: That's not all it'll be...There will be dick jokes, too.
Elsie: Aren't you just the Vonnegut of your generation?
Nolan: And I have far worse problems than my dick jokes, thank you very much.
Elsie: Like what?
Nolan: I never know how to end an article.