From The Suburbs To The Nation's Capital | The Odyssey Online
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From The Suburbs To The Nation's Capital

I wasn't expecting such a change.

From The Suburbs To The Nation's Capital

“College, here I come!” This was the thought going through my mind when I packed up my car to make the ultimate transition from my gated community in the Long Island suburbs to the bustling city of Washington DC. I was ready to live on my own, be free, meet new people, and eat ice cream for dinner with no one telling me otherwise. Here I am, and let me tell you, it’s more different than I ever thought possible.

Living on Long Island (yes, it is ON Long Island not IN) definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. Our pizza and bagels are basically made out of magic and you can go to a diner at 3am for a nice stack of chocolate chip pancakes. We have the Ralph’s Italian Ices, half apps at Applebee’s AND Friday’s, the Hamptons, Teresa Caputo, and hibachi restaurants that would probably live up to Japan’s standards. Unfortunately, having to go to the beach at least once a week in the summer requires a “beach body” that most people cannot obtain because all there is to do on Long Island is eat. Also, you are probably carry an empty wallet because when you aren’t eating, you are shopping, or doing both simultaneously. It is also extremely possible that you have applied to every retail store in the tri-state area just to be able to spend money you don’t have. Driving is super easy but gas prices are a pretty ridiculous. There were things I was going to miss about my life long home but I was ready to explore a new place and I was so pumped about American University giving me this opportunity.

Well Toto, we’re not on Long Island anymore. I knew that DC would be pretty different from Long Island but I never expected it to be this diverse. To compare to LI, there is no Ralph’s or any Italian ice brands, all night diners, or even an Applebee’s in sight. The closest thing you get to a beach is sitting in front of the Reflecting Pool at the Lincoln Memorial or watching boats pass on the Georgetown waterfront. I didn’t know many places were more expensive than Long Island but the brand name stores and constant Uber rides have proved me wrong. Politics is always a popular topic and to be honest, I don’t even know if I’m a Republican or a Democrat. It’s also kind of sad that nothing comes close to a nice home cooked meal. lf you are a college kid who wants a delicious dinner to feed your cravings, make sure your parents come visit so they can pay. And the criticism for my “Lawng” Island accent is a regular conversation for anyone I speak to. All of my friends are at least 50 miles away and I don’t have my Mom to take me to doctor’s appointments anymore. The things that I never thought I would miss about my New York home, I started to miss. I missed picking up my friends and dropping $70 on food in one day and spending my life savings on clothes from H&M. Maybe I wasn’t so ready to live on my own let alone be an adult.

The transformation from my calm, suburban town to the most powerful city in the country was a tough and overwhelming one. However, it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made in my eighteen years. Washington D.C. is an incredible place filled with an endless amount of opportunities. When you feel a shopping splurge coming on, you can take a day long trip to Georgetown, or if want to sleighed down Capitol Hill on a snow day, you can take a 15-minute metro ride to the Capitol Building. Not having my friends here with me is difficult at times but I can always impress them when they come to visit. It is all at the tip of my fingers and I have the next four years to take it all in. Although I miss my Mom’s chicken noodle soup, my big bed, driving to Joe’s Pizza to get a delicious New York slice, and taking a quick trip to the Smith Haven Mall to get a new top for a Saturday night house party, nothing really compares to having President Obama as your next door neighbor.

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