From the outside, it may seem that student athletes have it easy. More scholarships, traveling, free stuff, publicity...but what most fail to realize is that student athletes are expected to perform a certain way( in sports and in the classroom), which can take a toll on them mentally and physically.
Depression and anxiety disorders seem to be on the rise with student athletes, taking a toll on their overall success at their university. College life, for most students may also seem like a balancing act. Students juggle academics and a social life while living away from the comforts of home, but add 20 hours a week of rigorous practices and traveling into the equation. Stress builds up like a bomb ready to explode. Students often won't acknowledge the fact they are struggling in fear of being called a failure, or potentially losing playing time. This excessive build up can be extremely dangerous, and in some cases of severe depression, deadly. Athletic related injuries can also cause depression and anxiety. Athletes who have played their entire lives now have to sit out from what they feel identifies them.
Sometimes you don't comprehend how stressed you are until you're breaking point.
What can we do about it?
We can check up on our teammates. A simple "how are you", or some encouragement can make a difference. We must also realize that student athletes should NOT be identified by their sport but by who they are as a person. We can give student athletes a support system. Just talking to someone can help them not feel alone.