Over thinking (verb) : the ‘art’ of creating problems that aren’t even there.
Everyone overthinks once in awhile but some people are fully consumed by their thoughts on a daily basis. If you’re like me, you think way too much about things ‘normal’ people wouldn’t even think twice about; like whether your friends actually want to be your friends or if something you said a week ago sounded stupid. “What ifs” invade your head space on the daily, over simple things that no one else would even bat an eye at or remember. Your life is consumed by thoughts spinning out of control, most of them being negative.
Overthinking makes you crazy!! It makes you stay up till 3am, gives you stomach aches, and has you thinking and talking to yourself about things that can’t be changed; it’s unhealthy. For the longest time I thought I had a minor case of anxiety, and maybe I do, but it has gotten better over the years. I used to overthink so much that it prevented me from doing things. I remember as a child not going to a softball game because I overthought it so much that I gave myself a stomach ache. I’ve always been so cautious and worried about what others think and I attribute this to my overthinking; I couldn’t get passed thinking “what if something goes wrong?”or “what if I get hurt?” or “what if I look stupid?”
What if..? What if...? What if...? It NEVER stops!
Ever since high school, and now college, my over thinking has gotten a lot better. I’m still such a worrier but I’ve learned to accept it. I have promised myself to not let my overreactive and worrisome mind stop me from doing things I know I’ll regret missing out on, like nights out with my friends or trying something new or speaking my mind. If you, like me, fear the “what if's,” don’t let them get to you because months and even years later you’ll regret not doing something because of a little voice in your mind whispering, “but, what if...?” 99% of the time those what if's won’t happen.
When your mind is going crazy and you can’t stop the thoughts overwhelming you, listen to music, read a book, watch your go-to TV show (mine's Friends) or just take a few breathes and give yourself a little pep talk; trust me you can do anything you put your mind to, even if it’s shutting up your brain for a little bit.
"Sometimes you have to stop overthinking, and just go where your heart takes you."