Dan and Shay. You truly slayed with your song "From the Ground Up". Ever since I heard the song I was hooked. It is everything that truly needs to be said in this generation. The song can drive any person into thoughts and aspirations about relationships and finding true love. From the beginning of the song you are pictures things as life hands them to you. Give it a listen, your life will be changed!
Picture your grandparents. They're old and yet they're still so much in love. Even if your grandparents aren't so in love everybody at some point has seen that "adorable little old couple". Teenagers and young people now label that at "goals". Truly though. That is the goal for a lot of people. In our generation it is so common for couples to get married and then divorce because they rushed into something they weren't ready for or whatever other excuse they come up with. Well maybe if you take the time to get to know your spouse before you get engaged and then get married you will end up like the grandparents in this song, together for 65 years. That's a long time to promise to somebody, but if it's the right somebody it will all be worth it. Your grandkids will look up to that relationship and have something to think about when they are planning their lives and future.
The song describes how two people build their lives together, and how nothing matters but the two of them. Two people spend their lives being all the other one needs. It is a lot to think about, but slowly this songs sinks into your head, making you wonder what your life will be like when you are older and start thinking about marriage and kids.
As a young lady this song definitely makes me think about the things I want in my future. I want a guy who will stand by my side through all the things life throws my way. This song just really hits home for me because it's everything a relationship should be to me. Two people giving it their all to make things work and put the other first. The song also grows into saying the couple that used to look up to their grandparents have turned into the grandparents. Even after 65 years they still love each other and do the little things like saying "I love you" and kissing each other goodnight. The little things in relationships are truly what makes them last.
If you are looking for real goals in life, this song highlights some pretty good ones. I'm hooked and can't get enough of the song!