Staying in Delaware for college was never an option for me. Delaware is one of those weird small places where you’ve either mated, dated, or you’re related. And for some, that’s just fine. But for me, it was suffocating.
My whole life I dreamed of California, and Louisiana, and even schools in Ireland. It was a personal choice and not everyone understood. My friends and family wondered why I would ever need to leave the place I grew up. But the reality was, I needed change. I needed to be put in a place where no one knew who I was. I’ll never forget being told, "You know you’re just going to want to come right back home, right?” I was annoyed that someone truly thought I couldn’t do this. Feeling belittled like that was sickening. Just because I didn’t do the usual thing and go to an in state school, does not mean I am worthy of any less respect. It made me that much more motivated to find a school and get out. Up until I was dropped off, people still had their doubts whether I was going to go through with it. But I did, and here I am.
When I first found WVU, I was sold just from the moment I went on their website. The country roads literally took me home. It was everything I needed in a college and I was not letting anything stop me from going.
Since I’ve been gone, I have become a completely new person. I’m confident, refreshed and frankly happier than ever before. I have a chance to have a fresh start with everyone here, and no one knows about the time you passed out a party in high school, or fell down the stairs in third grade. I have a brand new set of friends, people who like me for who I am now, and not because they’ve known me since we were kids. I have a group of people here who love me, and a group of people at home who do too. Truly the best of both worlds. When I go back to Delaware, everyone gets to hear about all the funny stories I have because they weren’t there to experience them, and for some reason I like that.
Don’t for a second think I’m not grateful for the life I had in D.E., because that’s not at all true. Every now and then I crave my neighborhood Wawa, my dogs and my bed. But believe be when I say I’m a better me because I left. Everything here is new to me, and I love that. I’m not tired of Delaware anymore, because when I get to go home, things have changed. I have an appreciation for it now. I don’t fight with my parents anymore, because I don’t get to see them every day like I used to. And catching up with them is more special than ever because before it was an everyday thing. When I reunite with my friends, I hug them a little tighter than I ever would have before.
Furthermore, do yourself a favor and try and break the cycle. If you’re from a place where it seems like no one ever leaves, surprise everyone and get the hell out. Show them you at least had the courage to try. If you get homesick and want to come back after a semester, so be it. At least you can say you tried and didn’t spend your time wondering what could have been. Be strong and brave, and don’t let anyone tell you your idea is a bad one