Everyone will go through the process of losing themselves differently but one thing in common is something will always trigger the feeling when you least expect it. Losing friends, a break-up, death, or just a major change in your life are some of the major things to create you to feel empty and losing yourself. I’ve gone through this one to many times and each one lasts a different amount of time and they are all triggered by someone or something differently.
Being a teenager is tough on its own, but when you add fights with friends, moving towns, attending college, missing family all have affected me in a differently but have been some of the reasons I have lost myself. Lately though the little things have set me into the empty feeling of darkness and its so hard to get myself out of the never-ending hole.
It felt like no one could help me figure out my feelings because I didn't even know what I was feeling myself. The little things that used to make me smile don't anymore and I was getting mad at myself because of it. Finally my parents noticed and told me to get help because I was not the girl they were used to.
When I went to the doctors office I got this rush of emotions I hadn't felt in a long time. I was freaking myself out because I didn't know what the doctors were gonna say was wrong with me. But after I explained my feelings and emotions with the certain things I would do the doctors found a cure for me and finally helped me start getting out of the darkness I was so used to being in.
Now for me, I lost myself due to an imbalance in my body but for some its not that simple. Many get put in the darkness and never get help or when they do its to late, but I'm here to tell you there is always hope for you to be yourself all it takes is time and patience.