Here we are in the last stretch of the spring semester, which means summer is right around the corner. That also means that it can get a little challenging to focus on anything but the fact that it's almost summer. I know in my case, I'm struggling to get through the last few classes and assignments because I just can't wait for summer to start. Even though summer is that close, we have to push through the last few feet and make it to the finish line.
Being a college freshman, I know I need to be able to keep my focus on my classes and school work in order to keep my GPA up, but it's the end of the spring semester which means summer. I feel like it turns into the beginning scene of High School Musical 2, everyone tuning out the teacher, staring at the clock, and chanting "summer, summer, summer" and bursting with excitement when that final bell rang.
As difficult as it is to focus, summer is coming no matter what and we all know how important it is to keep our GPA in check. No one wants to start their summer off by finding out their grades weren't where they needed to be, and I mean do you really want to be the Troy of the group; crouched in the chair hiding because of your final grades while everyone around you is throwing their hands in the air excited for the summer? Relax, I know that's not actually what's going on, I'm just saying.
All of us will finish out the semester, I promise you summer is coming. We have to pick ourselves up, get through the last few days off classes, finish up projects,assignments, and finals, and finish strong. We're all in this together, friends.