Dear Overly Picky Single Girl,
I have been single for quite some time now. At times I wonder why. Why can I not find someone to date me? Why did I go from having boyfriends back to back to not having one at all? There have been times that I wondered if I would ever find another boyfriend because at the time it seemed like all the good ones were taken. But as I have thought through all of it with a more mature and level head I have realized something. It is not the lack of boys, it is the lack of ones that fit my qualifications.
Okay, that sounded quite stuck up but that is truly not how it was intended. What I mean is that I am quite picky. I have certain values and morals that I want in the next boy, excuse me-- man, that I decide to give my heart to. I do not want to just jump into the next relationship that comes along simply because it is there. See, I have had plenty of chances to be in a relationship in the past two years I just did not take those opportunities. I have been deciding not to date boys for reasons that no one understood. Now looking back it was me being overly picky but subconsciously, I did not realize what I was doing but now I do and honestly, I am quite proud of myself.
I am overly picky. I can look at a guy that my friends think are perfect for me and find something wrong with him. It is not that I do not like him or he isn't good enough, it is that I know what I want in a significant other and he doesn't have it all. That is not to say that for someone else, he will not be the perfect fit. But for me, he is not the one. Another way of putting is that I am refusing to settle. I am refusing to overlook certain character traits or actions just to have a boyfriend. I am waiting until I meet the one who meets all of the characteristics that in my head, make up the perfect man. I am waiting for him because when I meet him, I will know that he, is the one that God made with me in mind. That he will be the man that completes my happily ever after.
I am telling you all of this to simply say, when your friends try to convince you to go on the third or fourth date when you did not feel the spark on the first or second, or you try to convince yourself to overlook that small detail about him, just stop. Stop trying to make something happen just so you can say you have a boyfriend. Not only is he not the one intended for you, he is the one intended for someone else. Do not spend time with someone you know you will not ultimately end up with to fill time and space. Simply be patient, be picky, and do not settle. You may get annoyed at times, however, in the long run, being picky and patient will lead you right where you are supposed to be.
Let the little things bother you. Have in mind exactly what you want. Look at each relationship as the one you will be in for the forever. Do not settle. Most importantly, be picky. Be as picky as possible because when you find the man that meets your criteria even when you are overly picky, that is the man that will change your life. That is the man you will spend forever with.
The Overly Picky Single Girl