Since day one I have been on the #NeverTrump train. Trump’s remarks from the beginning of the campaign scared me, and I knew that I did not want him to become our next President. Throughout the primaries, and even through the convention, I was very vocal about my opposition to Trump. Even on the floor of the Republican National Convention, I remember nervously watching Sen. Mike Lee and his army of neon hats shout “Roll Call Vote!” as they tried to reject the rules that would almost certainly make Trump the Republican Nominee. That was four months ago. However, this being said, I am completely okay with Trump being our President-elect and I look forward to seeing what he can do as President.
The main reason I am content with his presidency is because I am confident he won’t be able to carry out much of the policies which he campaigned. There are a couple reasons I believe this. The first reason is because historically Presidents have kept very few of their campaign promises. For instance, Obama promised to close Gitmo, but eight years later it is still open. The second reason is for political purposes. In four years, Trump will want to be re-elected. This means that he won’t do anything too controversial in order to make sure he can get re-elected. He will most likely focus on popular policy items that benefit the majority. Finally, I believe that much of what he wants to do, he won’t be able to do unilaterally. For instance, much of what he wants to do with regard to trade deals requires congressional approval which will be a long and tough road to travel for Trump.
If he really wants to get stuff done for the American people, he won’t be trying to push any of his controversial ideas. Best of luck America.