I have been called many names these past couple of days: racist, fascist, lover of the KKK, and best friend to the confederate gun lovers. Okay, let's stop right there. Why are you calling me so many names when I haven't called you any? Exactly, there is no point. I am none of those things.
Please stop. We have done nothing wrong except for supporting our president-elect as you should be doing too. We would of gotten upset, mad, and wanted to punch something if our elect hadn't won, but we wouldn't of wanted to start a riot, thrown around horrible names at y'all, or anything else. We would of sucked it up and supported Hillary. Sure, we don't like her as much as y'all do but we wouldn't of handled the decision.
We are the generation that a few years from now is going to be divided and our parents, grandparents, etc. will not be there to get us to stop. We shouldn't be that way. I'm not telling you that you can't have your own opinions, or that have to be quiet about how you feel about the election. All I am asking you is to take a deep breathe and just get through the week. Everything will be okay.
How do you know how he will be in office? I don't, nobody does. How do you know how Hillary would of been in the office? You don't. He might of said things that you didn't like and it caused you not to vote for him, but people are a lot different when they have the responsibilities of actually being president. He might not be the best, but he might also not be the worst. He might actually surprise you.
As a Republican, I have been called many names more than what I've listed above. I for one, do not walk around, calling Democrats nasty names. So why should we all? As a Republican, I am here if you need someone to talk too. To get away from all the crazy politics. I will listen to your opinions as to why he isn't going to be a good president as long as you listen to my opinions. We will get through this, one foot at a time. We will be okay. We will defend each others rights and what we believe in without fighting each other. This is your country too.
Let's "make America whole again." Or better yet, let's "make America equal again." Because if we don't, it will be on us.
A Millennial Republican.