"Don't room with your best friend from high school, it will destroy your friendship."
Did anyone else hear that or was it just me? Now did anyone else not listen to that advice, because I didn't and so far it has been the best decision I have made in regards to going to college. My best friend and I are very close, we share a friendship that is like none other I have experienced in life so far. She just gets me, and I'm sure this is how most of you feel about your best friends as well. She is LITERALLY my other half, she plays to my weaknesses and I to hers, so whatever I'm struggling with, be it math or emotions, it seems like she always has a strength in that department to help me through my tough times. In addition we have the same feelings towards basically everything and like all the same things and that just so happened to include which college we both wanted to go to. When we began looking at colleges we unknowingly had different ideas in mind; she wanted to go to the University of Wisconsin Madison while I had my eye on a smaller University, we were both sad at the idea of leaving one another after high school ended but we also knew that everything would be okay. Well, neither of us followed through with what we thought to be our "dream colleges," and it just so happened that we both fell in love with the same University. Some people won't believe it when I say we didn't base it off of each other, and we both genuinely like the school but I swear that is how it happened. Truthfully we weren't even planning to be roommates because of how many people told us that it would ruin our friendship but after this first week of college I can already tell it was a great decision to room together and here's why:
We are already comfortable around each other because we are best friends. We know each other's inside and out, what annoys one another, what our gross tendencies are, et cetera. But in knowing all of these things we are okay with being ourselves around each other. You may not think this to be too big of a deal but I swear it makes all the world of difference when it comes to living in a tiny little cube together and having to change your clothes. I couldn't even imagine living with someone I just met and acting the way I do around my best friend. We are able to laugh at things that others might find totally disgusting and I love it. She accepts me with no makeup, greasy hair, crabby from staying up too late, when I'm already complaining on the second day of class; she just gets it.
Secondly, she knows what triggers my emotions and she is able to read how I am feeling without saying a word. I don't know what it is but her and I have seriously developed some sort of telepathy over the years, it's like we were separated at birth. When I am angry she knows just by my body language and she also knows that I want to be left alone, when I am sad she knows what kinds of things, events, and people make me happy or take my mind off of what is making me sad-she always has a way to get a laugh or a smile out of me. Finally, she knows what annoys me and I honestly have to apologize to her all the time because I can most often be found in an irritable mood; when I am in these moods she will make sure that she or the people around me aren't doing or saying things that she knows will make me go off (and it doesn't take much, I'm a fire cracker.)
Lastly, she is my own little piece of home that I got to pack up and take with me. When we decided to be roommates this thought made me so happy because I knew that whenever I was feeling home-sick, I would have my best friend right there and it would take my mind off of things. Most of the people I've talked to this first week are already home-sick (some more than others) and while I'm not saying I don't miss my other friends and family back home, I am saying it's so nice to have a living human here to talk about our dumb high school memories while also making new ones in the process of growing up.
It's only the end of the first week for us rooming together so I suppose things could go wrong, but I'm not worried about it - the center of our relationship is God and I am confident that He will continue to bless and strengthen us in this time of newness. I have never been more sure of anything than I have been of choosing my best friend to be my roommate at college.