Recently, I came across this quote: "It’s not about where you’re from; it’s where you’re going." And it really struck me. It's not like I had never heard the phrase before, this was the first time the phrase had ever sounded...odd. The town I grew up in has had an unbelievable impact on my life. To this day, the people I met, the things I did, and the lessons I learned in my hometown are a piece of my life I carry on my sleeve with pride. I spent the first 18 years of my life there, and those years molded me into the person I am today.
I realize that there are people who do not feel that same about their hometowns, who couldn't or can't wait to get away from it and leave their past behind them -- and that's okay. Everyone has different experiences, and sometimes our hometowns can't be the greatest place in the world. (Even mine, that I cherish with my whole heart, had its faults.)
Regardless, though, of where you grew up, or how, or when, or with whom, there is no denying that where you come from has an effect on the rest of your life. No matter where your journey takes you or what your final destination is, where you come from is important in some way or another. You are who you are because of where you're from, and you couldn't get to where you're going without it.
So, no, it's not just about where you're going, it's about where you're from, too.