Welcome home little ones. You're about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
You're the new babies of our chapter. You're the face of our sorority. You have so much you can accomplish, and it can be done in such a short amount of time.
Trust me, it's all overwhelming. We were all in your shoes at one time or another. All of the sorority's history and all the secrets. The rituals and the sisterhood, it's all a lot to take in. Don't be scared, though. Don't worry about the little things that seem so easy to worry about. Because before you know it, it'll all be gone.
You'll be an alumni, you'll hear about the events through Facebook or email, you won't plan another recruitment or a big/little retreat, you'll be done.
Let's not jump ahead, though. Let's think about everything you still have ahead of you!
Pretty soon you're going to be pledged into the sisterhood and truly start this journey. Then you'll have new member meetings every week for 8 weeks. It seems like a lot, but it's truly the best way to bond with your closest sisters - your pledge class.
You're going to be getting your big, and it'll most likely be the happiest moment of your life. Big/Little week is nerve wrecking and exciting and you're going to be showered with gifts and love. You're not alone, though. It's nerve wrecking and exciting for your big as well. All of the normal questions will run through her head. Will you like your presents? Do you want her as a big? Are you going to love her as much as she loves you? Hopefully, all of the answers are yes. And there shouldn't be any reason they aren't yes. A big is there to love you unconditionally and to be your person. Whether you see it or not, that's all she wants.
You're going to be going to a ton of events. There's homecoming, chapter meetings, sisterhoods, socials, football games, basketball games. Hell, there's even study tables. It'll all seem like a lot, and you'll feel like you should go to everything you can. And you should. If you have the opportunity to take a little break from homework and spend time with your sisters, you should take it. Like I said before, it'll be done before you even realize it, and you should take advantage of every moment you have to create these friendships that will last a lifetime.
Initiation. The second happiest moment of your life. You think you know everything about the sorority? You don't. In fact, you've only heard about the tip of the iceberg, and initiation is the time for you to learn everything there is to know. This is the moment. You've officially become a sister, and you've done it. You've gotten through your new member period, and you're ready to take on a whole boat full of responsibilities and opportunities. Initiation is wonderful, just don't forget to eat!
This is all just the first semester of fun times you're going to have. And it's a lot. Just imagine all the memories you're going to be making in between all these crazy times; all the friends you're going to make, within your sisterhood as well as within your Greek System. Things are going to seem crazy and you're going to feel a whirlwind of emotions you can never be prepared for. So here's my advice for you.
Live in the moment. Enjoy these next four years. Don't stress over the little things, and learn to love not only life, but yourself. Lean on your friends, and ask for support from your sisters. There's nothing wrong with needing help. Move in with your best friends. Leave your homework until the last minute, because we all know it's so much more fun getting a little mischievous. But don't slack off. Go to your study tables, and find that fine line between having fun and studying hard - it's there, don't worry. It might take you a little bit, but never ever forget this one thing.
Your sisters are here for you. Whether they're active or an alumni. Whether you've become best friends or you've never met them before, we all share a bond that no one can understand. That's the beauty of Greek life and of sisterhood. It's not just four years, it's for life.