Having friends is important. We as people are taught this from a young age. They help us grow and make us feel not alone. They are there when you need them and give you space when you need it but somehow, the best ones always seem to know just how much space is enough. A good friend will make you laugh and cry but only cry because you're laughing too hard. They will support your dreams and aspirations but be honest with you when you're starting to go a little cray cray.
A good friend is necessary. It is someone you can count on when the rest of the world fails you. Someone who will let you cry on their shoulder when times get tough and someone who will laugh at you when you trip and fall, only to trip over you while they're laughing. Friends, especially good friends, make the world a better place. They make the sad, dark days a little lighter and the happiest of moments a little brighter. Having a good friend or even a best friend makes all the difference in the world.
However, friends aren't just good for making the party a little more fun or making your breakup a little easier. The best of friends challenge you. They make you re-evaluate your beliefs for the better and help you to become a stronger and smarter person. Having a friend who isn't afraid to challenge you may be one of the best things a friend can offer. While yes, having someone to support you and root for you and bake you cookies is always a bundle of daisies and roses, in my opinion, a friend who challenges you and who pushes and inspires you to be the best person you can be is the best kind of friend you can ask for.
Very recently, I had a discussion with a friend of mine about politics and political stances. I'm often told you shouldn't talk about politics with people because it is a hot button issue and can tear relationships apart. However, being that politics is one of my passions, that is understandably very difficult for me to do. I love listening to the things that are happening in our ever changing world and I love talking about it with people. Unfortunately, not all people are patient with views unlike their own and many people are certainly not kind when you disagree with them. Nevertheless, when you find a person who will sit by you for an hour and listen to your views, most of which they don't agree with, argue with your perspectives and challenge you to look at things differently, that person is an important person to keep around.
I feel so grateful and lucky to have people in my life who are patient with me. People who listen to my views, disagree wholeheartedly but are still able to Snapchat me after discussing some of the biggest hot button personal issues out there and still tell me they love me. I feel so incredibly blessed to have friends and not just good friends but best friends. Friends who challenge me, inspire me, and push me to do better but accept me when I fail and with all of my flaws. I feel that one of the most important things in life is to find friends like these. Thank you to the friends of mine out there who love me for me.