Common etiquette says not to talk about politics or religion but I would like to meet the people that decided these social standards. Not only are these the most interesting topics to discuss, it helps people have healthy debates with one another and helps people better form their own opinion. Also, who should we not speak to about said topics? Our friends, acquaintances, co-workers? I think most people would agree there is a time and place for everything but with so many issues at hand and breaking news every day, more and more people are having a hard time following such etiquette laws
So what are the etiquette laws when it comes to best friends? The friends you have known your whole life and know your deepest and darkest secrets. What if they share totally different views such as yourself? Friends talk about everything under the sun so how can some things be off limits?
I believe the answer is simple and realistic.
With real true friends, I think people should be having these conversations, even if you share different views. I think it’s ok to acknowledge that after that bridge is crossed, the debates are had, the friendship will be different but that’s ok. We live in a time where so many people are divided yet so many people are coming together. Lifetime long friends are coming apart, families are broken, and heck, even some marriages are ending because of the shift of this nation. Yet some bonds are becoming stronger and new friendships are being made. The best we can do is shift with it. Nurture the relationships that are the most important to you and in the best way you know how but first and foremost, be honest with yourself, your beliefs and values.