Everyone has their own feelings in the aftermath of the election. Some happy, others disappointed. We are all entitled to our own feelings and opinions. Regardless, as I have heard countless times, we must move on.
However, how do we move past what we have learned about others? I never minded those who voted differently than I. But, the rudeness, hatred and character that some of my friends portrayed, including on Facebook, showed me a new truth.
It is more dangerous to know people and not know what they think about you. It is more dangerous to believe your friends would, without a doubt, stand up for you.
As a result of the election, I have felt a target placed upon my back for being a women. Knowing how some friends really feel about my equality makes that target feel even greater. This election made me realize that I was not going to keep these people around, even on Facebook.
I was not going to let these people target me or put me down. I don't want to deal with people who think it is OK to treat others in an inhumane way. I don't think it is OK to get away with using absolutes to discriminate whole populations of people.
So, what happened to these so-called friendships? I ended them. I got in heated conversations and unfriended others on Facebook.
What I learned about myself is what I am willing to tolerate and the level of respect I deserve.
I hope others can distance themselves from these harmful people in order to live a less toxic life.