I'm sorry that I have to do things. Sue me.
I'm sorry that we had great times as well as bad ones. Sue Me.
I'm sorry you're upset that I'm in class or at work. Sue me.
I'm sorry you say things about me behind my back. Sue me.
I'm sorry I've helped you with projects and your hobbies. Sue me.
I'm sorry you wallow when I tried to lift you up. Sue Me.
I'm sorry I'm always there for you. Sue me.
I'm sorry that I'm your shoulder but you're never mine. Sue me.
I'm sorry you don't like it when I want to stay home. Sue me.
I'm sorry you spread lies about me. Sue me.
I'm sorry you tell me dark and depressing things while you're laughing and having fun with your other friends. Sue me.
I'm sorry you were the one who stopped mentioning things to me. Sue me.
I'm sorry you don't think I love you anymore. Sue me.
I'm sorry you don't think I'm your friend anymore. Sue me.
But, I'm not sorry that all I've done is be your best friend, your lover or your confidant... Sue you.
SportsDec 31, 2018
Poetry On Odyssey: I'm Sorry, So Sue Me
I'm not sorry that all I've done is be your best friend, your lover or your confidante.