While in college you meet so many new people, but if you get lucky you find some true friends [cue Hannah Montana music]. But let's never forget those who also helped you survive the grueling years of high school. Okay, being honest they probably weren't that bad, but definitely were improved by the amazing friends that supported you through it all. And we all wish somehow they could come along with you on your college journey. So here's to all those out there who have helped you through life.
1. Most friendships don't start off with giving each other compliments, let's face it life is not typically that easy. Most of the time your future friend thinks you are quite odd at first.
That's okay, later on they will just embrace your weirdness and be cool with it.
2. But then they realize y'all are so much alike that you must be friends forever and ever.
3. By reaching this level of friendshipness, each must always support the other in all ways.
4. Which includes their worst
In which they regret so, so much.
5. And of course at their best
6. Sometimes even when they are moody.
Let's face it. Some days life isn't going great, but you love them anyways through it all.
7. Along with support, you also help them with boy troubles.
Because who else would they go to and analyze each and every text with?8. And if they need a little encouragement, just remember...
9. Also sharing the same love for food.
10. The quirks that make them oh so unique.
And loving them so much more for their weirdness.
11. Because you know eventually what makes them oh so unique will rub off onto you.
But you're more than okay with it. You embrace it.
12. Sometimes you aren't sure what to think of them.
13. But you finally can come up with the perfect words to describe how they mean to you.
14. Especially when their special day of the year comes around. That's right. Their BIRTHDAY!! The one day a year you can celebrate them all day for being the amazing person they truly are with an abundance of love and gifts.
15. Rarely fights take place, but knowing even if you do get in a fight that it won't be for long.
Because even though it may seem like fighting, it is really just harshly loving them.