Most of us have fond memories of spending warm summer afternoons playing with the kids who lived on our block until our moms would call us in for dinner. As we grew older and entered high school, these kids either grew distant and pretended they no longer knew us or they became our best friends through thick and then, there was no grey area.
In the midst of life happening and trying to figure out this whole "adulting" thing, we meet people along the way who are along for the same crazy ride we are. I remember standing on the bathroom line in the Javits Center and meeting a girl who's friendship I will forever be grateful for. From running around campus trying to figure out our schedules, to sharing a deep love for all things food and Zac Efron movies, I bonded with her just as much as my friends from age eight.
Time will always play a role when it comes to any relationship, we'll all have those select bunch of people who we rode our bikes with, went through the awkward stages of puberty with, and were there when someone broke our heart. However, as we grow older and our lives become more complex, sometimes we need people who don't know the eight year old versions of ourselves. New people see us with a fresh set of eyes and we're able to connect with them just as much.
New complexities come along with the different stages of life we go through but the bond of friendship is one thing that will constantly get us through them without pulling our hair out. So the next time you need to talk it out over a a coffee date call your best friend who used to live up the road or call the friend you met a few weeks ago while waiting online for the bathroom and instantly connected with, they're equally as important no matter what time tells you.
"Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with"
- Carrie Bradshaw